The Real You – Who do you think you are?
Identity crisis
Who do you think you are? There are two ways that question can come across.
One suggests you’re out of place. Who do you think you are: acting like that, dressing like that, being here, talking to me? Maybe you ask it of yourself. Who do I think I’m kidding trying to do this? Who do I think is going to like me dressed like this?
The other way that question comes across is who do YOU think YOU are? You choose, you decide, you define your identity. The problem with that is, what if it’s not good enough? What if it changes? There is no solid foundation to it.
We’re pressed in on both sides by these two questions. One says ‘be whoever you want to be’, the other says ‘that’s not good enough’.
ALWAYS answer, with who people CAN be, who GOD says they are.
In Luke 5:1-11 we see Jesus calling his first disciples. They hadn’t made it in the Jewish religious education system, they weren’t the best or the brightest and their society had told them exactly who they were and where they belonged. So much so that when Jesus comes they say ‘Get away from me!’ They believed what the world said about them, but Jesus saw something different, just like He does when He looks at you.
In all of creation it was for you God saved his own image (Genesis 1:27). You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13-14). He sees what you can be, because of who made you. Jesus doesn’t look at past failings and mistakes. He says ‘Don’t be afraid’ because He makes a way through all of that at the cross.
Jesus sees you where you are. Notice He tells those first disciples they will still be fisherman but now they will fish for people! He makes the same offer to you. He takes you where you are and is ready to use you for His kingdom. He KNEW who He was looking for. He calls them, not despite who they are, but because of it, and it’s the same for you.
Step out
What is stopping you being who Jesus says you are, from leaving the nets behind and following Him? It is vital we answer this question and claim the identity He has for us. The world needs it – it needs us to know who Jesus says we are. Show others that same truth because that’s how the world is changed: one person, one family at a time. Disciples making disciples.
YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made in Father’s image. You are worthy of Son’s sacrifice and redeemed by it. You are empowered by Holy Spirit to change the world.