Celebration is a weekly event when everyone comes together. Our Celebrations take place at Bold Street Methodist Church in the town centre from 10.30am until around 12.15pm.

Our Celebrations are also streamed live online and the weekly talk is available through a range of podcast providers. Click here to find out more…

Celebration is a time for worship, teaching and to see the big picture of what is happening at King’s Church. Our Celebrations usually include live music, interactive media, the arts, teaching, a full children’s and youth programme and refreshments. There is also a Family Room available for preschool-aged children, and the service is streamed into there.

Once a month, instead of a Celebration, we meet at different locations around Warrington called Bases. Click here to find out more…

Come and join us to celebrate the things that God is doing in us and through us.

Our next Celebration is… Sunday 19 January 2025


Bold Street Methodist Church, 4 Palmyra Square North, Warrington, WA1 1JQ

There are steps up to the front door on Palmyra Square – street parking around the square is free on Sundays. There are no steps at the rear door – the welcome team will raise the barrier but there are only a few parking spaces here as it is shared with other businesses. Nearby Golden Square Shopping Centre car park is also free on Sundays; other car parks are fee paying.

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